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Individuals, businesses, foundations and other organizations can support Leadership Prince William in many ways–with their time, expertise and funding support. Many of the leading businesses and organizations in the Greater Prince William Area recognize the value in supporting the organization and its mission. Sponsors receive many benefits in return for their generosity including significant visibility among Leadership Prince William’s prestigious alumni base

Leadership Prince William Evening of Excellence
Sponsorship Opportunities

Leadership Prince William has numerous events throughout the year. We rely on the support of our partners and sponsors to make these programs available to our alumni, our current class and, in many cases, the entire community. Following are some events for which we have sponsorship opportunities available for the 2021-2022 program year:

  • Signature Program Day Sponsors ($650 each)– These provide exclusive sponsorship of day sessions for our Signature Program for adults. Opportunity to speak to the class for up to 10 minutes and/or accompany the class for their entire day.
    • Signature Program Breakfast Sponsor ($200)
    • Signature Program Lunch Sponsor ($450)
  • Bowling 4 Scholarships – Usually held in February or March, this event raises scholarship funds for youth and adult program participants.
  • Gourmet Guys Give Back– presented in partnership with the Prince William Chamber of Commerce on the first Sunday in December, this annual event allows amateur chefs to “strut their stuff” in a competition where they are vying for the votes of the people (that’s you) and professional chefs). Sponsorships start at $125. 
  • Evening of Excellence Gala & Awards Dinner – Our year-end celebration held in June features the presentation of the community’s most prestigious leadership awards. This year we will celebrate 15 years and we are seeking 15 sponsors at $1,500 each! 
  • Summer Youth Academy – Our 2-week summer youth leadership camp held in July. Sponsor a scholarship for a student ($250-$500) or be a program sponsor for $2,000 or more. 

For information about any of these sponsorship opportunities, contact our Executive Director, Andrea Money, at 571-765-7568 or

Partnership Opportunities

Leadership Prince William partners with local organizations in a variety of ways. Following are just a few past examples:

  • Partnership with Youth For Tomorrow for our Summer Youth Academy.
  • Partnership with PWC Schools for the PWC Student Leadership Conference and the Beville Middle School Mentoring program.
  • In-kind partnerships with Imagine (web design), ImageWerks (photography), Prince William Living (promotion and publicity), Hendershot, Burkhardt & Associates (accounting) and the AV Adventure (video production).
  • Partnership with Comcast (Cares Day) to bring hundreds in our community together for to serve others, raise funds for community causes and have a great time. 

If you have an idea for how your organization could benefit from a partnership with Leadership Prince William, contact us at 571-765-7568.

Volunteer Opportunities

Leadership Prince William needs volunteers for all of our programs and events, With a small staff and a big mission, we rely on the generosity of volunteers. Examples include presenters and subject matter experts for our Signature Program day sessions, volunteers to support Comcast Cares Day activities, volunteers to set up and tear down at Gourmet Guys and much more!

If you are interested in learning more or lending a hand, call us at 571-765-7568 or email